
The Civil Bench-Bar meeting on October 19 at noon, will give lawyers in civil practice the latest news on new developments in the Eighth Judicial District Court. Chief Judge Linda Marie Bell and Civil Presiding Judge Nancy Allf will provide updates on  important information for civil attorneys trying to keep up with the many recent changes. Attorneys who would like to receive the Agenda/Link should e-mail EJDCBenchBar@gmail.com

The State Bar Young Lawyer Section will also offer a mini presentation from State Bar Convention on Helping Young Lawyers Succeed. The presentation has been approved by the Nevada CLE Board for a half-hour substance abuse credit.

For attendance credit, please email Ismail Amin at iamin@talglaw.com with your name and bar number after the meeting concludes. (Note: if a group logs in through one connection please provide names of all attorneys present.)
