2022-05-13T12:12:46-07:00November 8th, 2018|

Harry Potter found not guilty despite vigilant prosecution in court by fourth graders

2022-05-13T12:12:46-07:00November 8th, 2018|
It’s hard to get and keep the attention of a class of fourth graders. Judge Tierra Jones and Judge Eric Johnson kept the attention of two fourth grade classes from Grant M. Bowler Elementary School in Logandale, NV and taught them some valuable lessons on [...]
2022-05-13T12:17:41-07:00April 19th, 2018|

Fourth graders experience justice in action and see where life-choices can lead

2022-05-13T12:17:41-07:00April 19th, 2018|
Four fourth grade classes from Liliam Lujan Hickey Elementary School experienced justice in action at the Eighth Judicial District Court in early April. They  also got a view on where life-choices lead when they sat in on actual criminal calendars and saw judges, court employees and attorneys perform their jobs. They [...]
2022-05-13T12:23:17-07:00July 1st, 2017|

Homicide case pilot program launches to improve efficiency and disposition of cases – case reassignments involved

2022-05-13T12:23:17-07:00July 1st, 2017|
{“featuredImages”:[],”content”:” Effective July 1, a pilot project will begin to examine the potential benefits of centralizing the management for cases wherein a defendant has been charged with a “homicide crime,” with the intent of improving efficiency in the management and timely disposition of such cases. It was ordered by District court Chief Judge Elizabeth Gonzalez […]
2022-05-13T12:27:03-07:00February 8th, 2017|

Nevada students impress with knowledge of American Democracy at We the People state finals competition

2022-05-13T12:27:03-07:00February 8th, 2017|
Hundreds of bright young  students with anxious parents and other supporters impressed an all-star lineup of justice professionals and officials who judged the We the People Nevada State finals competition. We the People is a program intended to foster student understanding of American democracy, the [...]
2022-05-13T12:38:19-07:00December 10th, 2015|

Santa gets black robe fever and those that appear before him pay the price

2022-05-13T12:38:19-07:00December 10th, 2015|
He knows if you’ve been bad or good, and that’s a problem when he’s wearing a black robe. That was a lesson learned by Ebenezer Scrooge at the Howard D. McKibben Inn of Court December meeting/training in courtroom 15D. Scrooge was put on trial for [...]
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