
The Family Court caseload has a significant volume of propria persona (pro per) cases. That volume presents challenges. Steps have been taken to help those who represent themselves with resources through the Family Law Self-Help Center and website http://www.familylawselfhelpcenter.org.

The push is also on to get attorneys practicing family law to be prepared for their cases, so that those cases are moving along as they should be. At the recent Family Bench Bar meeting, some suggestions were given to help attorneys get up to speed with new rules regarding timeliness. A top tip given was: present filings in fundamental, easily understandable language and limit length. In other words, less is more. Clear and concise writing is better for everyone.

Marital balance sheets were suggested as a useful tool for complex cases with a lot of assets to make mediation/settlement easier. They were also suggested as useful for cases with fewer assets. It was recommended to have opposing counsel coordinate the reference numbers and sync up the assets and numbering of those assets. The marital Balance sheet discussed at the Bench Bar Meeting can be found at http://www.willicklawgroup.com/clark-county-bench-bar-committee

A trial practice Continuing Legal Education (CLE) session is being developed to help attorneys review trial preparation and discovery to facilitate adherence to the rules of the court.

Parenting Coordination training was also on the agenda. A 12-credit CLE is being offered Apr. 21.

There was good news at the meeting including: If Public access fees have been paid for the first three months of 2016, they no longer have to be paid until next year. Your concerns about parking at the Family Court Campus were heard and 60 parking spaces were freed up in the Family Court parking lot by moving county vehicle parking to the rear of the campus.

The Pro Bono Advisory Council volunteer of the month Emily McFarling, Esq. was recognized for her service.

The next family Bench Bar is scheduled for May 12 in Courtroom 9 at Family Court 601 N. Pecos Road. Bench Bar meetings are a great way to learn about changes at the court and to address issues with the bench.
