
Scammers are at it again, frightening their potential victims with jail time if they don’t pay up for missing jury duty. The scam callers sound official. They offer a police sergeant’s name, badge and phone number. They use real judges’ names to give their bogus stories credibility. This time the scammers claim the unsuspecting victim has outstanding warrants due to failure to appear for jury duty. They threaten victims that they need to pay-up or be criminally charged.

Similar scams have made the rounds in our community before. The schemes are attempted via telephone, mail or e-mail.  They frequently ask victims to purchase pre-paid credit cards. They target vulnerable populations such as senior citizens.

“We want to get the word out to the community about this latest scam and ask everyone to warn friends and family. The court never solicits money on the telephone,” said District Court Chief Judge Linda Bell. “I encourage those who receive suspicious calls with demands for money to clear warrants to report them to law enforcement.”

The District Court website offers information on jury service at http://www.clarkcountycourts.us/ejdc/juror-information/index.html. Those who have received a summons can reschedule jury service online at https://ejuror.clarkcountycourts.us. A jury phone line is also available at 702-455-4472 (callers should remain on the line for the operator).
