Being the chief judge of Nevada’s busiest court is no small responsibility; it requires significant leadership skills and an accomplishment driven mindset. District Court Chief Judge Jerry Wiese recently received recognition for his leadership and accomplishments with the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts of America, Las Vegas Area Council. The award wasn’t given for Judge Wiese’s accomplishments at the court; it was awarded for his work to pass on his leadership knowledge and skills to youth in the community.

Judge Wiese who is an Eagle Scout, has been active in scouting for over thirty years, during which time he has passed on valuable knowledge and expertise as a Scoutmaster, Venture Leader, Varsity Coach, Unit Commissioner, North Start District Eagle Board of Review Chair and Wood Badge instructor. Wood Badge is a Scouting leadership program with courses aimed at developing strong leaders.  

The Silver Beaver Award is the council’s highest distinguished service award. Upon nomination by their local Scout council and with the approval of the National Court of Honor, recipients of this award are registered adult leaders who have made an impact on the lives of youths through service with the council. The Silver Beaver is awarded to those who implement the Scouting program and perform community service through hard work, self-sacrifice, dedication and many years of service.

“Judge Jerry Wiese has made an impact on the youth in the Las Vegas Valley. He has spent thousands of hours working with scouts to improve themselves and work on achieving the Rank of Eagle. Even if the scout does not achieve the Rank of Eagle, they are better with their experience with Judge Jerry Wiese than before they knew him,” said Patrick J. Ballinger theField Director of Boy Scouts of America Las Vegas Area Council.