2022-05-13T12:15:26-07:00July 10th, 2018|

July 10 Civil Bench Bar will offer latest information on changes in Alternative Dispute Resolution

2022-05-13T12:15:26-07:00July 10th, 2018|
The July 10 Civil Bench Bar Meeting at noon in courtroom 10D will offer up the latest information on changes to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) practices. Attorneys who attend, will get the added benefit of .50 hour credit continuing legal education (CLE). The ADR update [...]
2022-05-13T12:20:16-07:00January 5th, 2018|

10 insider tips from law clerks to improve court filings

2022-05-13T12:20:16-07:00January 5th, 2018|
 At the December Civil Bench Bar, judicial law clerks/former law clerks shared some insider tips on how to improve court filings.Judicial law clerks work closely with judges, provide assistance and research issues before the judge. They help judges wade through and manage the mountains of filings that [...]
2017-08-07T19:44:31-07:00August 7th, 2017|

Civil attorneys can stay cool and get breaking news on Discovery at Aug. 8 Bench-Bar

2017-08-07T19:44:31-07:00August 7th, 2017|
Civil attorneys can stay cool, get updated on court news and grab lunch at the District Court Civil Bench-Bar meeting on Aug. 8 at noon in courtroom 3A at the Regional Justice Center.Judge Jim Crockett will lead a discussion on minors’ compromises and inter-pleader actions. [...]
2022-05-13T12:23:04-07:00July 7th, 2017|

Wildfires won’t stop flow of important legislative information at July 11 Civil Bench-Bar

2022-05-13T12:23:04-07:00July 7th, 2017|
 Wildfires in Northern Nevada have reportedly caused the Nevada Legislature website to go down just when many changes impacting the courts are going into effect. The good news is that attorneys who are looking to get the top information on legislation impacting the courts can [...]
2022-05-13T12:23:41-07:00June 13th, 2017|

Civil attorneys can avoid the summer slump

2022-05-13T12:23:41-07:00June 13th, 2017|
The lazy, hazy days of summer are getting underway. Civil attorneys can avoid the summer slump and sharpen skills. Attend the Civil Bench-Bar meeting this Tuesday, June 13 at noon in courtroom 3A. Bench-Bar attendees get the latest information on new rules, Nevada Supreme Court [...]
2017-03-02T23:34:47-07:00March 2nd, 2017|

Business Court to host Bench Bar Meeting – mark your calendar

2017-03-02T23:34:47-07:00March 2nd, 2017|
The Eighth Judicial District business court will host a Bench Bar Meeting on March 28 at noon at the Regional Justice Center in courtroom 3H. The meeting will cover issues specific to the business court. Each of the five business court judges will offer an [...]
2022-05-13T12:27:41-07:00January 23rd, 2017|

The Legal Aid Center and six judges team up to offer free CLE on recent Nevada Supreme Court Rulings

2022-05-13T12:27:41-07:00January 23rd, 2017|
Eighth Judicial District Court judges have teamed up with the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada to offer insight on recent Nevada Supreme Court decisions with a free Continuing Legal Education (CLE) session on Jan. 27 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Regional Justice [...]
2022-05-13T12:28:18-07:00January 4th, 2017|

Last call to join competition in Civil Bench-Bar Chili Cook-off

2022-05-13T12:28:18-07:00January 4th, 2017|
Civil Bench-Bar meetings always provide plenty of food for thought for those practicing civil law, but the January 10 noon meeting in courtroom 3A, will have the added bonus of featuring a chili cook-off. It’s a tasty way to get the latest Civil Division info, find [...]
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