
The judges, court staff and attorneys have done a tremendous job adapting to the significant changes that have been required to keep the court functioning during this extremely trying time for everyone. Everyone’s patience and adaptability is appreciated. Court personnel are wearing face coverings or masks while in the courthouse and attorneys are asked to do the same.

These are five things lawyers need to know about court operations during the Coronavirus pandemic

  1. Certified Copies All certified copies are now being issued electronically.
  2. Issuing Summons All summonses are now being issued electronically. The filer must use the filing code SEI. That routes the summons to a review queue so the clerk can issue the summons.
  3. Sealed Records Remember that if there is a request to seal a document through e-filing (filing code TSPCA), the document will be filed under seal and then undergo judicial review to determine whether the document should remain sealed.
  4. Time Limits For the time limits that are stayed, the time from whenever the applicable administrative order was filed until the orders are lifted, would not count. Otherwise, any time before and any time after would count. If something happens during the period the administrative orders are in effect (for example, if an Offer of Judgment was filed today) that time would not begin to run until the admin orders are lifted.
  1. Bench Trials Bench trials are proceeding. Any proposed exhibits need to be sent to the department electronically prior to the trial.

All the Nevada Eighth Judicial District Court orders related to COVID-19 can  be found in one searchable chart at AOSUMMARYCHART3_31_20 Once in the document, press cont F and enter a key word to search.

All Nevada Eighth Judicial District Court administrative orders related to COVID-19 can  also be found on the court website: HTTP://WWW.CLARKCOUNTYCOURTS.US/GENERAL/COURT-RULES-AND-ADMINISTRATIVE-ORDERS/#ADMINISTRATIVE%20ORDERS
