Truancy Diversion Program – For Schools

What is the Truancy Diversion Program?
The Truancy Diversion Program (TDP) is a mentoring program offered by the Eighth Judicial District Court to reduce absenteeism in Clark County schools in an effort to reduce the number of youth entering the formal juvenile justice system. The TDP program supports students and their families to address students’ school attendance, behavior and grades. 

Can My School Participate in the Truancy Diversion Program?
The Truancy Diversion Program is available to all K-12 CCSD public and charter schools.
The cost to implement the program at your school is $3,950.00 for the 2022-2023 school year.

Weekly Court Sessions on Your School Campus

During the TDP program, a volunteer TDP Judge, accompanied by a truancy family advocate as well as an educational liaison, meet with students identified by the school as truant and their families to address the student’s attendance record, and behavioral issues, during a WEEKLY court session held on your school campus.  The TDP team helps students to focus on the importance of school success and achieve their weekly goals of attendance, homework completion and appropriate classroom behavior, while providing positive reinforcement.  If needed, family resource centers, shelters, youth services, and/or social service information/referrals are also provided.

How are students selected to participate?

Participants are selected by the school with assistance from each school’s Educational Liaison and Attendance Clerk. If the team agrees that an eligible student is an acceptable candidate, the student and family are invited to participate in the TDP program.

The Role of the School in the Program

Participating schools are asked to:

  1. Identify “Truant” Students.  Refer students to TDP who have more than 10 unexcused absences.
  2. Designate an Educational Liaison.   Designate an Education Liaison, such as the school counselor, dean, etc. who will attend the TDP session each week and provide the Family Advocate student’s contact information, historical attendance reports, weekly attendance and progress reports.
  3. Notification to Parents/Guardians:   Provide program information to identified participating students and request that the student and parent/guardian attend weekly court sessions on the school campus.

If you would like more information or would like to join the Truancy Diversion Program, please contact our office at:
Phone: (702) 455-1755        

Statistical Overview

The Truancy Diversion Program (TDP) is a collaborative partnership between the Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County School District, the Nevada State Public Charter School Authority, and the Achievement School District. The program was created to reduce absenteeism in Clark County schools in an effort to reduce the number of youth entering the formal juvenile justice system. TDP supports students and their families to address students’ school attendance, behavior and academic success.

Why is the Court Involved?
Truancy is a complex community problem and is considered a “gateway crime,” as youth involved in the juvenile court system generally are truant youths. Truancy is directly correlated with socio-economic problems related to ethnicity and poverty. Early identification of truancy offers an opportunity to intervene and address the barriers to student attendance and school participation in order to increase academic success.

The Truancy Diversion Program is recognized by the Clark County School District as one of the key programs to combat habitual absences.

How the Program Works:
The Truancy Diversion Program provides WEEKLY court sessions for students and their families on the campus of participating schools. The program is coordinated by a school liaison, who identifies truant and/or chronically absent students. Once enrolled in the TDP program, the student and a parent/guardian meet with a TDP volunteer Judge and a Truancy Family Advocate to address the barriers to the student’s attendance and academic achievement. The Truancy Family Advocate provides the youth and family support services and community referrals to combat the obstacles to student success.

745 Students/Families Served in 202-2022   8 Truancy Family Advocate
59% of Participants Improved Attendance   29 Volunteer TDP Judges
34 Schools Participated in 2021-2022   205 Community Resources Referrals

Participant Statistical Overview 2014-2020

Participant Statistical Overview 2014-2020
  2014-2015* 2015-2016* 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 All Years Combined
Total Schools That Participated 52 89 89 41 50  
Total Students Served 878 1638 2011 1427 1548 7502
Total Students Successfully Completed 315 615 1095 941 945 3911
