Foreclosure Mediation


Effective September 1, 2017, the Eighth Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada (the Court) has been assigned to preside over the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Program in Clark County. The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Department of the Court has been assigned to administer the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Program for the Court. As such, the ADR Office staff monitors foreclosure mediation cases to assign mediators, determine case status and compliance with the Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Rules (NFMR) to ensure that cases advance toward resolution and disposition.

Mediation is a process whereby a neutral third person, called a mediator, acts to encourage and facilitate the resolution of a dispute between two or more parties. It is an informal and non-adversarial process; the mediator’s objective is to help the home owners and lenders, or their representatives, reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary agreement. In mediation, decision-making authority rests with the parties. The role of the mediator includes, but it is not limited to, assisting the parties in identifying issues, fostering joint problem solving, and exploring settlement alternatives.

A foreclosure mediation action is initiated in the Court by the e-filing of a Petition for Foreclosure Mediation (Petition) by the home-owner(s). A responding party has ten (10) days to e-file an Answer to Foreclosure Mediation (Answer) after notification of service. The ADR Office will assign a mediator within ten (10) days of the Answer being filed with the Court. Mediators are selected from a court panel list of trained, experienced and qualified mediators. Mediations should be conducted within 90 days of a mediator’s assignment. The ADR Office will monitor each foreclosure mediation case for compliance with the adopted Nevada Foreclosure Mediation Rules and will recommend further action by the Court when appropriate.

The Foreclosure Mediation Program is overseen by the Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) Office, which also administers the Court Annexed Arbitration Program, the Court Annexed Mediation Program (a mediation program for other types of dispute) and the Short Trial Program. The ADR Commissioner and staff are always available to assist with any problem or answer any questions regarding any of the programs it administers. Please call (702) 671-4493. Rules and Forms are available to download at no cost on this web site.


Foreclosure Mediation Forms Library

Welcome to the Foreclosure Mediation Forms Library. We hope the information shown here is helpful and will make your contact with court easier and more productive. Many of our forms are multiple pages – make sure you fill out all pages and print all of them prior to submitting them to the court.

To download all the Foreclosure Mediation Rules, Forms, and the Index at once, click the ZIP file link below. This is a large file and may require considerable download time. Please be patient. You will have to extract and save the files to your computer.

All Forms, Rules, and Index.ZIP

Individual Forms

The following forms are intended to be used as samples only. You can print them or save the Microsoft Word documents and use them as a template for your own individual documents. To download form samples, click on the appropriate document title. Forms in BOLD are prepared by the ADR office (see index above).

All documents are to be e-filed with the Clerk of the Court.

The ADR Office does not need courtesy copies of filed documents.